Triumf digital therapeutics release a new major platform update


Triumf personalised digital therapeutics for children have a completely new look. In our previous post, we shared user feedback on our digital health platform, where the graphics of the game were highlighted as the most common feature that children wished to improve. We heard you! Here we share the completely new looks of our health game and how it has changed since early last year. Enjoy!

Why is it important?

The issue to improve user engagement of existing solutions, especially targeted to children, remains. Digital tools need to be designed and developed with the user’s experience and preferences at the centre of decision-making and design choice processes to ensure user acceptability and intervention effectiveness. Children are used to interactive environments, making the game environment a promising avenue to deliver support to them.

Gamification helps create an environment that is both appealing and supportive for children, which ensures enjoyable user experience and in turn increases the efficacy of the intervention. Gamification itself, however, does not automatically mean that children love it. In a world populated by sophisticated games, it is important that the looks and feels of our digital therapeutics platform also resemble the entertainment games and meet children’s expectations of an enjoyable game experience.

For us, the key areas for improvement arise from the suggestions from children. We consider our end-users to be our partners as they tend to be creative and honest about what they would like to see. Hence, I have put in a great amount of work to reflect the suggested improvements in the new version. Take a look at the journey of Triumf DTx platform since early 2019 - the change is significant!

The new game environment seems more real and alive


The Triumfland city is now four times bigger and feels more real than ever, with over three times more population walking on the streets. This means more interactions with the kids in the city where children can learn more about healthy behaviours, identify emotions, play mini-games, and solve problems. That said, not only does the city seem more real, but also the citizens. We've fixed the artificial intelligence for the people to seem more alive and less robotic.


We’ve also improved camera controls, which now avoids obstacles and follows the player more naturally. You may also notice that the colors have been tweaked as well to come across softer and less intense, yet they’re still bright and cheerful.


The graphics are constantly being updated and the city continues to look more awesome every time. We’re also working on a new mini-game, which can significantly help acquire and internalise the knowledge children learn from the educational module.

Stay tuned!

Leandro Gil

Leandro Gil is the Lead Developer at Triumf Health. He has an extensive background in game development with previous experience as team lead at Gameloft Argentina. He’s in charge of game development and design.


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