Triumf Health is one the best healthtech companies in Europe!


In 2019 we published our research findings (links below) showing the benefits of the Triumf mobile health game among pediatric cancer patients. Furthermore, we started our randomized controlled trials among various disease groups in Singapore, Finland and Estonia. And we are in the process of being listed as the first ever presrcibable digital medicine in Estonia. In addition to accomplishing many wonderful milestones this year, we were also selected as one of the best healthtech companies in Europe! 2019 has definitely been a breakthrough year for Triumf Health. Read about our journey to becoming a top digital health company in Europe.

European Health Catapult competition has been such an awesome experience for us. I have written about the journey on our blog previously as well (see the previous post as well) because it all started already in April and the quality of the competition has been impressive. And now, we are honored to write about the end of the journey that gave Triumf Health the following three titles:

The best digital health company in Scandinavia

The best digital health company in Europe: 2nd place

The Alex Casta Audience Award Winner

More than anything else, Triumf team would like to thank the wonderful mentors and coaches that helped us to significantly advance our product and the business case over the last 6 months.

The organizers did such a great job in creating fruitful grounds for rapid development. Anna Badurska from Cap Digital made sure that the experience is smooth for all participants. And from the EIT Health side, Christos Vaitsis (the Business Creation Manager of EIT Health Scandinavia) provided us with a lot of support throughout the process.

Our pitch was significantly improved based on the feedback from Jenny Lindblad, we are so grateful for the pitch training session that took place in Stockholm. Without this training session, we most certainly wouldn't have won the audience award!

The mentors in London including Steven Dodsworth, Thomas Unt and Javier Gonzalez helped us significantly with our business case. The mentors were strict but supportive and it was especially wonderful that they were true experts in the field. Among other valuable input, we were also able to discuss our H2020 Phase II SME application, which was highly beneficial for us.

Why this Health Catapult journey was important for us?

Triumf was among two digital health companies that worked in the behavioral medicine field and both were selected to the finals. It's truly amazing because it shows that the potential of behavioral medicine has been noticed. And even though the other company in the digital health category, Alex Therapeutics from Sweden, was one of our competitors during the competition, we are eager to follow their progress and wish them success for the future because they are making a difference by utilizing psychotherapy methods like we do. What was also evident is that the time is right for digital therapeutics (DTx) in general, surely we can see several breakthroughs in 2020 from healthtech startups working on DTx.

Would we recommend taking part in the Health Catapult competition?

Surely! Taking part in various competitions is time consuming and it is necessary to choose the competitons wisely. European Health Catapult will provide high level mentoring and the whole competition process is challenging yet provides the best grounds for continuous improvement. The way the competition is structured starting from regional semifinals is very engaging but at the same time allows to learn a lot throughout the process. One of the benefits are of course the awards as well. We took home 32 0000€ and something else that is very special for us. Keep following us to learn about the one big thing that is coming up soon!


Our research findings were published in the JMIR Serious Games (Usability, Acceptability, Feasibility, and Effectiveness of a Gamified Mobile Health Intervention (Triumf) for Pediatric Patients: Qualitative Study: and as a master's thesis that was defended at the University of Tartu. The master's thesis titled "The effect of Triumf mobile health game on psychological well-being and health-related quality of life among pediatric cancer patients: A pilot study" by our team member Riin Tark was selected as one of the top master's thesis defended in Estonia (or by Estonians in universities abroad) in 2019!

Dr. Kadri Haljas

Dr. Kadri Haljas is the founder and CEO of Triumf Health since 2016. She is experienced in mobile health solutions for children and games for health. Dr. Haljas has a background in health psychology, she holds a PhD degree from the University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine. Her clinical work experience is in developmental psychology.


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Let's take it global - Triumf in Singapore